What the 2018 Elections Should Be About

E-Newsletter No. 59 ____ November 2018

Our country’s (long and painful) 2018 political season will conclude with the general election on Tuesday, November 6th. Our Editorial Board encourages every registered voter to go to the polls and vote your conscience as you cast your votes for the various federal, state and local candidates, based on your assessment of each candidate’s “agenda” and platform, and whether they have earned your trust.

As we have noted over the past several months, our Editorial Board continues to focus on the underlying principles of the two major political parties. The 2018 elections represent yet another opportunity to choose between a smaller (limited) government, versus an ever-expanding, more intrusive federal government.

We encourage you to re-read the Seven Inevitable Results that arise from Big Government, which were listed in our August 2016 newsletter

And we all need to keep in mind the Tenth Amendment – The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively,
or to the people.

The choice is ours to make on November 6th.

US Debt Clock – – October 1st – $65,444 per citizen / November 1st – $65,932

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