Freedom of Speech, Big Tech, Censorship

E-Newsletter No. 134           February 2025     

As we noted last month, the work to restore our country’s fundamental principles is just beginning.  There is a reason why the First Amendment to the US Constitution was listed first in the Bill of Rights.  There are three key elements in the First Amendment – – the freedom of religion, the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the freedom of speech and a free press. 

These elements were under constant attack during the four years of the Biden administration.  The persecution of Jack Philips, the Colorado cake baker, for his religious beliefs is well known.  Unfortunately, the persecution continued, even after he won his case at the Supreme Court.  Many college campuses instituted “safe spaces” that served to limit the gathering of students and hampered their ability to hear from conservative speakers.

The attacks on Freedom of Speech were most egregious.  Parents who chose to speak at school board meetings against Critical Race Theory and “sex education” (i.e., the promotion of the LGBTQ+ agenda) in their children’s classrooms were labeled “domestic terrorists.” It has also become widely known that the Biden administration colluded with many of the Big Tech companies to censor speech on the companies’ platforms.  There was a list of topics that were flagged when conservatives pushed back against the administration’s “approved narratives” (the propaganda).  The list included alternative opinions (and facts) about the Covid pandemic, the safety and effectiveness of the “vaccines,” “climate change,” the conduct of the most secure elections in our country’s history in 2020, etc.  Contrary postings would be censored, and an individual’s social media account would be suspended.

We do not discount the government’s right to publicize their viewpoints.  However, alternative viewpoints against the government’s “misinformation” on topics such as “Russian collusion”, Hunter Biden’s laptop, etc. were suppressed.  And the mainstream media has been a big part of the problem.  This has resulted in the media being viewed as simply a mouthpiece for the Biden administration’s narratives.

A recent example was the dialogue between our country’s new Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, and Margaret Brennan of CBS, who was attempting to link the Trump administration to Hitler’s Nazis, by saying that free speech had fueled the Nazis’ ability to perpetrate the Holocaust.  Fortunately, Marco Rubio was able to educate her by explaining that one of the primary reasons why the Holocaust happened was because there was NO freedom of speech in Germany to push back against the Nazis’ propaganda.

Next month, we will talk about the Left’s constant attacks on the Second Amendment.

US Debt Clock – – January 1st – $106,900 per citizen / February 1st – $107,100

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