The Foundation to Promote Personal Responsibility is a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization, whose objective is to support the return of our country’s traditional values of self-reliance, self-determination, self-actualization, and social responsibility.
We have provided a number of links on this page, so that you can learn more about the Foundation, our objectives, agenda and process.
If you support the objectives and agenda of the Foundation, we encourage you to become a Member of the Foundation and “join the conversation”. We encourage you to participate in the conversation by adding your thoughts, recommendations, and ideas to the Conversation Pieces on our website. By becoming a Member, you can opt in (or opt out of) our Foundation’s monthly e-newsletter.
We do not (and will never) disclose or sell our Members’ email addresses. Any postings that you make within the “Join the Conversation” section of the website can be signed anonymously (i.e., by “a [state] Member”). Our website utilizes the latest site security protocols, and the link to our SSL Certificate is shown below.
There is no fee to join the Foundation. The operating expenses of the Foundation are paid by the Foundation’s Editorial Board. Although there is no monetary commitment, our Foundation’s goal is to PROMOTE our Foundation’s objectives. Accordingly, we encourage you to participate in the conversation, spread the word, and forward our website’s link to your family, friends and neighbors, and encourage them to join the Foundation and join the conversation.
We anticipate that once our Foundation’s policy recommendations become more widely known and supported, we will be able to provide to our Members (in our monthly e-newsletter) opinion pieces that you can share with your US Senators and Congressional Representatives, along with your state representatives (whether they be a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent).
Looks interesting. Will be following more closely. Our country needs more of this thinking and dialogue.