Debt and Class Warfare

E-Newsletter No. 93                September 2021          

How do you create a Socialist country?

Debt – Increase the government’s debt to an unsustainable level.  The government will be able to increase taxes, which will produce more poverty.

As we discussed last month, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them, especially after they have become dependent on the government for food, housing, and income.  The concept of providing a Universal Basic Income is simply the final step in the Left’s tactic of buying a person’s vote with Other People’s Money, especially when the Other People are future generations – our children and grandchildren.

The Left is intent on following through on the divisive Marxist tactic of fomenting class warfare.  The Left’s stated goal of eliminating “income inequality” is being marketed to our country’s citizens as the number one priority of the Democratic Socialist party.

But this Marxist tactic of “divide and then gain power” is no longer limited to just class warfare.  The tactic of dividing us into opposing camps is part of the Left’s agenda to gain complete control over every individual.  It is a perversion of one of our country’s founding principles – e pluribus unum (out of many, one).  Interestingly, Communism’s goal is to have just one (subservient) group of people – the proletariat (who are then ruled by the government elites).

Most of our country’s citizens are also aware of the Left’s tactic of using race to divide us.  The message to Black citizens is “If you don’t vote for Democrats, you aren’t Black.”  This is another perversion of e pluribus unum.  Conservatives want people of all races to embrace being an American (not Afro-American, or Latino American, or Asian American, etc.).   Gender?  Instead of focusing on being lesbian, bi- or trans- etc. etc. (as the Left is wont to do), Conservatives simply want each individual citizen to embrace being an American first and foremost.  Contrary to what you hear from the mainstream media, most Conservatives recognize the two genders and generally don’t care about the various gender issues that are the focus of the Left.  Conservatives just want the government to leave us alone to live our own lives as we see fit.

As we have discussed in the past, certain key founding principles are referred to as the American Trinity – e pluribus unim, Liberty, and In God We Trust.  The Marxist tactic of “divide and conquer” is a direct assault on e pluribus unum.  The Left also favors top-down government control, which is implemented via coercion (and tyranny) – a direct assault on Liberty.  And the root cause of the religious divide between the radical Left and Conservatives goes all the way back to Karl Marx himself, who said that “Religion is the opium of the masses.”  The Left’s religion is Big Government, and the primary tenet of their religion is that only the government (and its cadre of experts and elites) can know what is best for the masses.

US Debt Clock – – August 1st – $85,750 per citizen / September 1st – $86,150

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