American Pride

E-Newsletter No. 68                     August 2019     

The Democrat Party’s “identity politics” agenda is the exact opposite of one of our country’s founding principles – E Pluribus Unum (Out of Many, One).  Unfortunately, this focus on various sub-segments of our citizens and on “victims” also seems to be contributing to the drop in their feelings about our country.  Is America perfect?  No.  Does America have a spotless history?  No.  Is America an exceptional country?  Absolutely yes.  That is the reason why so many millions of people around the world want to immigrate to our country (legally or otherwise).  No other country can make such a claim.

Recently, Gallup released the results of their latest Gallup Poll Social Series interviews.  Seventy-four percent of Republicans say they are “extremely proud” of our country.  This result has remained relatively consistent going back to 2013 and is on a slight upward trend over the past couple of years.  This is probably due to conservatives’ belief in our country’s shared values of Liberty, E Pluribus Unum, and In God We Trust (which are engraved on every coin).  This year’s result could also be partly due to our strong economy and low unemployment rate.

However, the Democrats’ results continue to slide.  There was a 12-point drop over the last three years of the Obama administration and an additional 12-point drop the past two years.  The Democrats’ response to the question now stands at a new all-time low of thirty-two percent.  There is now a 42-point gap between Republicans and Democrats.  Could this drop in the Democrats’ feelings be caused by the radical Left’s growing antipathy towards our country’s founding principles?

Conservatives’ pride in our country is one thing.  Unfortunately, the same thing cannot be said about our citizens’ attitude towards our federal government.  This month we have added a new Conversation Piece to our website entitled Our Federal Government is Broke and Broken

Our Editorial Board continues to believe that the best solution to deal with our dysfunctional federal government is to call a Convention of States, to propose amendments to the US Constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for member of Congress.

US Debt Clock – – July 1st – $68,112 per citizen / August 1st – $68,250

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