Monthly Archives: July 2024

Left vs Right – The American Trinity

E-Newsletter No. 127           July 2024

In our July 2019 newsletter, we included a link to a video on the American Trinity.  These three fundamental American values are stamped onto every coin and are printed on all of our country’s currency.

There is a growing divide between the Left and Right on each of these fundamental values.  Conservatives hold fast to these values that date back to our country’s Founding.  The growing divide in our country is entirely due to the fact that the “progressive” Left has drifted away from these fundamental values.

E Pluribus Unum means Out of Many, One.  A standard Marxist tactic is to divide a country’s citizens into a variety of subgroups and then pit those groups against each other.  The examples are too numerous to list them all, but here is a sampling – Bourgeoise vs Proletariat, Rich vs Poor, Black vs White, One Ethnicity vs another, Men vs Women, Urban vs Rural, Young vs Old, Heterosexual vs LGBTQ+, and so on.  Conservatives would like our country to return to those days when there was an emphasis on a single, shared common denominator – being proud to be an American citizen.  Part of the problem is that the “progressive” Left wants to fundamentally transform our country.

Liberty is highly prized by Conservatives, and any form of coercion by the government is met with resistance.  The Pledge of Allegiance calls for Liberty for All.  However, it appears that Liberty means very little to those on the Left, who seem to be OK with the government running virtually every aspect of their lives.  This includes being forced to buy an EV, giving up incandescent light bulbs for LEDs, being forced to give up their gas stoves, being forced to pay off someone else’s student loans, etc.  And then there is the issue of protecting our unalienable rights that are under constant attack by the Left, i.e., Freedom of Speech, Religious Liberties, the Right to Bear Arms, etc.

And what about the motto “In God We Trust”?  Karl Marx despised religion, calling religion the opium of the masses.  It can be said that the religion of the Left is Big Government (along with the associated coercion).  The attacks on Religious Liberties by Leftists are not limited to the US and are not limited to attacks on Christianity.  The Left is bringing back antisemitism in the US and in other countries around the world.  And by now, you have probably seen the “parody” of the Last Supper during the opening ceremony of the Olympics in France.  The parody included a woman wearing a silver, halo-like headdress who stood at the center of a long table, drag queens posing on either side of her, and a nearly naked man painted blue on a dinner plate.  Yes, we concede that the organizers of the Olympics have Freedom of Speech to produce their “art.”  Their justification was that it was an attempt to broaden diversity, community, and inclusion.  However, the parody was a despicable mockery of Christianity.  The good news is that the resulting loss of viewership of the Olympics has been one of the welcome side effects of the organizers’ poor decision.

US Debt Clock – – June 1st – $103,300 per citizen / July 1st – $103,500