Monthly Archives: May 2024

The weaponization of the mainstream media

E-Newsletter No. 125           May 2024

In our previous newsletters we have discussed the weaponization of various federal government agencies.  This month, we discuss the collusion between the federal government and the mainstream media.  We all know about the government’s use of the media to advance their various narratives – – i.e., the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign Russia (there was none), the “murder” of George Floyd (he was not), the 2020 summer of mostly peaceful protests (they were not), the “murder” of US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick (he was not), the January 6th “insurrection” (it was not), and that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a case of Russian disinformation (no, it was very real).  We also know about the government’s collusion with Big Tech firms to censor free speech on social media platforms, whereby a posting by an individual who disagrees with an established government narrative (primarily relating to the Covid pandemic and / or “vaccines”) would get their account suspended or revoked. 

It is true that governments use the media to advance their established narratives. Nazi Germany in the 1930s is a well-known example of a government’s use of propaganda.   Unfortunately, in many cases, the established narratives have subsequently been found to be false (see the list above).  But the weaponization of the media continues to occur.  A case in point is the shifting narrative on “Global Warming” (now known as “Climate Change”) and the ongoing war against fossil fuels and the government’s attempts to advance The Green New Deal. 

Another issue is the mainstream media’s abandonment of its primary responsibility to investigate and objectively report facts that come to light from their investigations.  It could very well be that the last best examples of journalists who fulfilled that obligation were Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein who covered the Watergate scandal back in 1972 and 1973.  (“Follow the money”).  Other than a committee of the US House of Representatives, who in the media is investigating and reporting on the flow of funds from foreign governments to members of the Biden family?

Fortunately, there continues to be a few (non-mainstream) media companies that continue to investigate and report on important issues of the day.  The following link is to a documentary on the Weapons of Mass Migration – 

Weapons of Mass Migration | NEW Documentary    

Have we heard about any of these facts from the mainstream media?

US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito recently delivered a commencement address at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, a Catholic college in Ohio.  In his remarks about freedom of speech, he stated that “troubled waters are slamming against some of our most fundamental principles… Support for freedom of speech is declining dangerously.” A college campus should be a place where the exchange of ideas should be most protected, but very few colleges live up to that ideal.

Freedom of speech and an unfettered and objective media have been a vital part of our country’s heritage.  The citizens of our country are in danger of losing that legacy due to the federal government’s weaponization of the mainstream media.

US Debt Clock – – April 1st – $102,900 per citizen / May 1st – $103,100